
Hana’s story
Hana experienced problems with her weight since childhood. After going into healthcare, she set up a centre of health and obesity prevention in Slovakia, and is an advocate for people living with obesity. Here is her story.
My name is Hana. Since my studies, I have lived in Bratislava, Slovakia. I have had problems with my weight since childhood. At 17, I was on a weight loss course and later on various diets. My childhood obesity was one of the reasons why I focused on studying pharmacy at University in Bratislava. Since 1993 I have owned a private pharmacy in Bratislava where I work with my daughter.
By gradually changing my lifestyle I slowly lost 15kg. After my marriage, my lifestyle changed again; I looked after my family and pharmacy, and I gained 40kgs again. I was aware of my obesity and the health problems it could cause. I saw in my pharmacy patients suffering from obesity and related disease.
I wanted to lose weight in a targeted way, address my unhealthy lifestyle and find out why I gained weight. Therefore, I completed various nutrition courses in the Czech Republic. I gradually reduced my weight by 17kg. With this experience, I set up a centre of health and obesity prevention in Slovakia. It is focused on lectures and consulting activities, and education in preventing overweight and obesity. I represent the Slovak Republic in the ECPO Patients’ Council. I founded an organisation for people with obesity.
In Slovakia obesity is not recognised as a disease. Doctors only treat its consequences. For three years in a row, we have been organising World Obesity Day, Stigma Day, Health Day, obesity education and prevention. I participate in medical congresses with lectures on obesity in our events and projects we cooperate with various organisations in healthcare.
In Slovakia it is important to educate people about nutrition, healthy lifestyles, and obesity prevention. It is also necessary to educate health professionals about obesity and its treatment.
At a global leadership level obesity must be recognised as a chronic disease. Its treatment and patients’ rights to medical care must be ensured. World Obesity Day is a chance to raise awareness about obesity as a disease, how to prevent it and live a healthy lifestyle. The incidence of overweight and obesity is increasing worldwide. It is a global health problem that is important to address.
We have three weapons against obesity: prevention, information, and education. We have only one health, and it is necessary to protect it.