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Discover Stories

When we share our experiences, we shine a light on the failing systems that contribute to obesity—and together, we can drive change.

Obesity is a complex and personal experience, influenced by the systems around us—health, food, government, and more. By sharing your story, you help shift the conversation from individuals to the broader systems that need transformation.

We want to celebrate the inspiring individuals, groups, and organisations leading the call for systemic change. Read their stories below and find inspiration in their efforts to build a healthier future for all.

Do you have a story to tell? We want to hear from you! Submit a story here.

Policy Makers


NGO Obesidade Brasil - More knowledge and less stigma

In Brazil, obesity has increased over the last 25 years, from 13 % to 26%. To enhance people's knowledge of obesity, we created the NGO Obesidade Brasil.

Healthcare Professionals

Health Care Professionals

Adriane Mary’s story

Obesity took my father’s life in 2018. He was a doctor. Now, I work in public health to teach people about the disease.

People living with Obesity

People living with Obesity

Wendy’s story

For years I let negative statements about me and my weight define who I thought I was. Each time I tell my story, the people that made those comments become a little less powerful.

People living with Obesity

People living with Obesity

Allison’s story

Allison Ibrahim has lived with obesity for more than 30 years. Having access to good information, supportive systems, and properly informed healthcare professional is essential – but difficult to come by

People living with Obesity

People living with Obesity

Obesity Matters: A Lifetime In The Making

As we approach World Obesity Day (WOD) and Obesity Matters’ first anniversary, I cannot help but reflect on why I started Obesity Matters, and there are three major reasons that stand out

Policy Makers


Healthy Caribbean Coalition – Now More Than Ever: the Caribbean campaign for front-of-package food labelling

Rates of overweight and obesity in the Caribbean are among the highest in the world. We’re campaigning to make healthy living and good nutrition more accessible for everyone – especially children and young people

People living with Obesity

People living with Obesity

Ogweno’s story

Ogweno Stephen was born with childhood obesity, but with the support of people around him he was able to manage his condition. He now leads Stowelink, an organisation educating people in Kenya about obesity, stigma, and how to lead healthier lives.

People living with Obesity

People living with Obesity

Leeds against stigma - supporting people with obesity

For World Obesity Day 2022, we felt that we needed to start asking people in Leeds about their experiences of living with obesity and the associated stigma, bias and discrimination



Shift media guide - changing the narrative in Western Australia

Communication professionals have the power and agency to play an influential role in fostering better public perceptions of obesity. It’s time to change the way we talk about obesity

Policy Makers


Act4Food Act4Change – how the global youth can inspire systems change

We envision global systems change to provide everyone with access to safe, affordable and nutritious diets, while protecting the planet and human rights



Fuel to Go & Play – turning community venues into a setting for health promotion

Fuel to Go & Play® is supporting numerous community venues in Perth to provide healthy food and drink options, through training, resource-sharing and an accreditation scheme

Healthcare Professionals

Health Care Professionals

Preventing and treating overweight in Brazil

Moving an obesity prevention and treatment programme online during the Covid-19 pandemic has created new opportunities to connect and share experiences and information.