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Let's talk about obesity and...

bold policies

A healthy environment is made up of a range of factors: the stability of our climate, the air that we breath, the food available for us to consume and how it is marketed to us. To address obesity globally, we need to act; we need to create healthy and sustainable environments where people can live longer, healthier lives. 

In 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) adopted a new set of recommendations on the prevention, management and treatment of obesity throughout the life course. This was a major milestone for obesity policy and an opportunity to raise obesity up political agendas, but we can't stop there. Policymakers need to act urgently on these recommendations to help prevent further increases in rates of obesity and other non-communicable diseases.



An estimated 1.9 billion people around the world will be living with obesity by 2035


of GDP

Overweight and obesity is expected to cost 2.9% of GDP in 2035



Nearly 400 million children are expected to have obesity by 2035



Adult obesity is expected to increase by over 60% between 2020 and 2035

Gather the facts

Having up-to-date data about obesity in your country will strengthen your call for change. The Global Obesity Observatory provides country and regional reports, presentation maps, data on the economic impact of obesity, common comorbidities, the drivers of obesity, and more.

The interactive platform lets you browse, filter and download data, view trends over time, and create your own bespoke charts. It is available in a variety of languages.

visit the global obesity observatory

Push for National Action Plans

The WHO recommendations serve as a framework on which to base comprehensive national action on obesity.

Now is the time to call on your national government to take strong, decisive action on obesity through national plans and strategies. This will require a cross-governmental approach with actions covering prevention and management, bringing together different sectors from health and education to environment and social policy, and targeting all ages and communities.

National plans can play an important role in reducing fragmentation and silos in obesity policy and action.

Case Study Background


Find inspiration in others

Act4Food Act4Change – how the global youth can inspire systems change :

We envision global systems change to provide everyone with access to safe, affordable and nutritious diets, while protecting the planet and human rights

Dara, Global,

Join our campaign

The more people call for action on obesity, the more governments have to listen. Join the World Obesity Day campaign to spread the word about obesity and its impacts. Whoever you are, wherever in the world, your voice can help bring about lasting change. We have a range of resources that you can use to spread your message:

  • Hold conversations with leaders and policymakers
  • Organise a workshop or training session
  • Print and share obesity information
  • Spread the word on social media
  • Share your story
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