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People living with Obesity

People living with Obesity

Let's talk about obesity and...


Nearly 1 billion people were living with obesity in 2020. That is 1 in 7 people. So, it is important that we correct misconceptions and listen directly to the individuals living with obesity.

Individuals are not to blame for their obesity. Obesity is a disease which is often driven by forces outside a person's control, and is the result of complex biological, genetic, and environmental factors that impact our physical health and mental wellbeing.



For too long, responses to the obesity crisis have been focussed on individuals. It’s time we turn our attention to the systems that are failing us. Health systems, government systems, food systems, the media, and the environments we work and live in. All these systems are contributing to the increasing rates of obesity around the wo


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For too long, responses to the obesity crisis have been focussed on individuals. It’s time we turn our attention to the systems that are failing us. Health systems, government systems, food systems, the media, and the environments we work and live in. All these systems are contributing to the increasing rates of obesity around the wo

For too long, responses to the obesity crisis have been focussed on individuals. It’s time we turn our attention to the systems that are failing us. Health systems, government systems, food systems, the media, and the environments we work and live in. All these systems are contributing to the increasing rates of obesity around the wo

For too long, responses to the obesity crisis have been focussed on individuals. It’s time we turn our attention to the systems that are failing us. Health systems, government systems, food systems, the media, and the environments we work and live in. All these systems are contributing to the increasing rates of obesity around the wo

For too long, responses to the obesity crisis have been focussed on individuals. It’s time we turn our attention to the systems that are failing us. Health systems, government systems, food systems, the media, and the environments we work and live in. All these systems are contributing to the increasing rates of obesity around the wo

For too long, responses to the obesity crisis have been focussed on individuals. It’s time we turn our attention to the systems that are failing us. Health systems, government systems, food systems, the media, and the environments we work and live in. All these systems are contributing to the increasing rates of obesity around the wo

Find a community

There are supportive networks of people living with obesity all over the world, offering information, support, and guidance. Joining a community can help you navigate your own obesity journey and advocate for better treatment, prevention, and understanding.

Some of the largest organisations are: the Global Obesity Patient Alliance (GOPA); European Coalition for People living with Obesity (ECPO); the US Obesity Action Coalition (OAC); and the Australian Weight Issues Network (WIN); but you can find other local groups on the World Obesity Patient Portal.

find a community near you


people are estimated to be living with obesity

Share your experience

Everybody’s experience of obesity is different.

There are many ways to address people's lived experience of obesity, that must work for the individual. What is your experience?

Sharing your story can help change perspectives and inspire others who may feel alone and unrepresented. You can also hear from other people about their experience of obesity.

Tell your story

Speak out against stigma

In many countries, people living with obesity are regularly blamed for it due to misconceptions and biases. Weight stigma reinforces incorrect assumptions that obesity is merely a person’s individual responsibility. Have you experienced weight stigma? These resources can help challenge outdated perspectives:

Facing stigma can take a toll on your mental health. These tips from the Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) can help you navigate and understand difficult feelings.

Case Study Background


Find inspiration in others

Let’s talk about… the stigma that people living with obesity face. :

My name is Sandra Elia, I'm passionate about the work I do to help those living with obesity because my story includes overcoming obesity.

Sandra, Toronto, Canada

Join our campaign

Meaningful change in obesity treatment, prevention, and policy will only happen if people with lived experience are involved. World Obesity Day is a chance to make your voice heard. You can use our resources in all sorts of ways:

  • Share your experiences and ideas
  • Organise a group discussion or activity
  • Print or display information in your community
  • Spread the word on social media
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